Sound Operator/Engineer
Sound Operator/Engineer 2007
Angela Cole
Worked with on Take the L Out of Lover and 5 others
Russell Goldsmith
Paul Jackson
Jonah Klein
Anna Tregloan
Ben Hendry
Worked with on Midnight Lullabies and 1 other
Warwick Allsopp
Worked with on A Porthole into the Minds of the Vanquished
Jeremy Brennan
Paul Capsis
Worked with on Paul Capsis
Mark Fitzgibbon
Worked with on Fabulous Diva: A Tribute to Nina Simone
Tamlyn Henderson
Paul Horan
Worked with on Released
Aurora Kurth
Worked with on Take the L Out of Lover
Ali McGregor
Worked with on Midnight Lullabies
Ansuya Nathan
Ruth Rogers-Wright
Wes Snelling
Alister Spence
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