Playwright, Writer
Playwright 2020
Playwright 2005
Playwright 2004
Playwright 2003
Playwright 2002
Playwright 2001
Writer 2000
Playwright 1999
Playwright 1998
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 5 others
David Chesworth
Wesley Enoch
Richard Roberts
Matt Scott
Pauline Whyman
Stan Yarramunua
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 4 others
Kylie Belling
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Melbourne) and 3 others
Richard Dinnen
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 3 others
Elliott Maynard
Kamarra Bell-Wykes
Worked with on The Lockdown Monologues and 2 others
Lancho Davey
Worked with on Stolen (2005 - Schools season) and 2 others
Lisa Maza
Melodie Reynolds
Glenn Shea
Worked with on Stolen (2001 - UK Tour) and 2 others
Tony Briggs
Worked with on Stolen (2000 - Tour) and 1 other
Isaac Drandich
Worked with on Stolen (2004 - Tour) and 1 other
Rachael Maza Long
Natasha Marich
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo) and 1 other
Tiffany Noack
Worked with on Stolen (2001 - UK Tour) and 1 other
LeRoy Parsons
Maryanne Sam
Bridget Balodis
Worked with on The Lockdown Monologues
Tanya Bennett
Worked with on Stolen (1998)
Annie Bourke
Ra Chapman
Tia Clark
Darryl Cordell
Worked with on Stolen (2003 - Tour)
Maude Davey
John Marc Desengano
Richard Frankland
Wendy Gregory
Worked with on Stolen (1999 - Tour)
Emma Hawkins
Tom Holloway
Nick Ilton
Worked with on Stolen (2002 - Tokyo)
Brad Leffler
Baird McKenna
David Miller
Lisa Parris
Robbie Patten
Worked with on Stolen (2000 - Tour)
Michele Preshaw
Mark Pritchard
Morgan Randall
Sophie Ross
Bernard Sam
Daniel Schlusser
Frank Stoffels
Margot Tanjutco
Jean Tong
Harry Tseng
Naretha Williams
Worked with on Stolen (2005 - Schools season)
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