Jim Daly

Jim Daly


Shows worked on

Jim Daly has worked with...

Matthew Connell

Matthew Connell

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour) and 1 other

Raimondo Cortese

Raimondo Cortese

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour) and 1 other

Natalie Cursio

Natalie Cursio

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour) and 1 other

Russell Goldsmith

Russell Goldsmith

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour) and 1 other

Evelyn Krape

Evelyn Krape

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour) and 1 other

Roslyn Oades

Roslyn Oades

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour) and 1 other

Roger Oakley

Roger Oakley

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour) and 1 other

Bob Scott

Bob Scott

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour) and 1 other

Linda Aitken

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Iopu Auva'a

Iopu Auva'a

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Dann Barber

Dann Barber

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

John Beckett

John Beckett

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Josh Bell

Josh Bell

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Faye Bendrups

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

John Bode

John Bode

Worked with on Natural Life

Annie Bourke

Annie Bourke

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Humphrey Bower

Humphrey Bower

Worked with on Natural Life

Tony Briggs

Tony Briggs

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Blair Broadhurst

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Tyallah Bullock

Tyallah Bullock

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

George Butrumlis

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Michael Carman

Michael Carman

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Johnny Carr

Johnny Carr

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Amy Cater

Amy Cater

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Tia Clark

Tia Clark

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2014)

Jessica Clarke

Jessica Clarke

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Dan Cowles

Dan Cowles

Worked with on Natural Life

Joanne Curry

Worked with on Natural Life

Alice Darling

Alice Darling

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Barry Dickins

Barry Dickins

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Steve Douglas-Craig

Worked with on Natural Life

Rashidi Edward

Rashidi Edward

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Michele Forbes

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Louise Fox

Louise Fox

Worked with on Natural Life

Justin Gardam

Justin Gardam

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Neill Gladwin

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

William Gluth

William Gluth

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Lyndall Grant

Lyndall Grant

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Kim Gyngell

Kim Gyngell

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Zinnie Harris

Zinnie Harris

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Stephen Hawker

Stephen Hawker

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour)

Christina Hayes

Christina Hayes

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2014)

Natasha Herbert

Natasha Herbert

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Ethan Hunter

Ethan Hunter

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Aileen Huyhn

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour)

Nick Ilton

Worked with on Natural Life

Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2014)

Khisraw Jones-Shukoor

Khisraw Jones-Shukoor

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Michael Kantor

Michael Kantor

Worked with on Natural Life

Tomek Koman

Worked with on Natural Life

Tyrone Landau

Tyrone Landau

Worked with on Natural Life

HaiHa Le

HaiHa Le

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2014)

Robert Lehrer

Worked with on Natural Life

Amelia Lever-Davidson

Amelia Lever-Davidson

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Armando Licul

Armando Licul

Worked with on Natural Life

Matthew Lutton

Matthew Lutton

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Stuart McKenzie

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Nicol Morrow

Worked with on Natural Life

Ross Murray

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Mikkel Mynster

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Caitlin Newton-Broad

Worked with on Natural Life

Bojana Novakovic

Bojana Novakovic

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Colin Orchard

Colin Orchard

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Marie Orchard

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Lisa Osborn

Lisa Osborn

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Rosemary Osmond

Rosemary Osmond

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Diana Perini

Diana Perini

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2014)

Dan Persse

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Rebecca Poulter

Rebecca Poulter

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour)

Brian Reynolds

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

David Roberts

David Roberts

Worked with on Natural Life

Ben Rogan

Worked with on Natural Life

Ivan Smith Romero

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Ian Scott

Worked with on Natural Life

Jill Smith

Jill Smith

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Katherine Spence

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Yana Taylor

Yana Taylor

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2014)

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Jason Thelwell

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour)

Helen Thomson

Helen Thomson

Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas

Jo Turner

Worked with on Natural Life

James Verdon

Worked with on Natural Life

Tom Willis

Tom Willis

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Matilda Woodroofe

Matilda Woodroofe

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour)

David Woods

David Woods

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Jethro Woodward

Jethro Woodward

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Tom Wright

Tom Wright

Worked with on Natural Life

Isabella Yena

Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2017 - Tour)

Izabella Yena

Izabella Yena

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)

Ursula Yovich

Ursula Yovich

Worked with on Natural Life

Marline Zaibak

Marline Zaibak

Worked with on Macbeth (an undoing)