Dancer, Ballerina, Ballet Dancer, Ballroom Dancer 2011
Dancer, Ballerina, Ballet Dancer, Ballroom Dancer 2006
Ben Cobham
Worked with on Amplification and 1 other
Phillip Adams
Worked with on Amplification
Michiyo Akamatsu
Worked with on Chamisa 4 / Setting
Amelia Bartak
Lynton Carr
Erin Fowler
Graham Green
Lucy Guerin
Tim Harvey
Masakazu Itoh
Andrew Livingston
Rennie McDougall
Carlee Mellow
Jun Mori
Emily O'Brien
Marita Petherbridge
Phoebe Robinson
Lee Serle
Nick Sommerville
Brooke Stamp
Lilian Steiner
Masahiro Sugaya
Peter Wilson
Kota Yamazaki
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