Playwright, Director
Playwright 2005
Playwright 1999
Playwright 1996
Playwright 1995
Playwright 1993
Playwright 1985
Director 1984
Shaun Gurton
Worked with on The Incorruptible (1996 - Tour) and 2 others
Aubrey Mellor
Worked with on The Language of the Gods and 2 others
Jill Smith
Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995) and 2 others
Rachel Burke
Worked with on The Incorruptible (1996 - Tour) and 1 other
Robert Gebert
Worked with on The Golden Age and 1 other
Melita Jurisic
Worked with on The Language of the Gods and 1 other
Terry Kenwrick
Armando Licul
Denis Moore
Robert Morgan
Ross Murray
Worked with on The Temple (1993) and 1 other
Robert Taylor
Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995) and 1 other
Anthony Wong
Linda Aitken
Worked with on The Temple (1993)
John Beckett
Worked with on The Golden Age
Tanya Bennett
Worked with on The Incorruptible (1995)
Kate Blenheim
Worked with on The Language of the Gods
Maggie Blinco
Helen Buday
Nick Carrafa
Judith Cobb
Nikki Coghill
Rex Cramphorn
Robin Cuming
Sri Pudjiarti Dean
Steve Francis
Worked with on Page 8
Anna French
Worked with on Not About Heroes
Colin Friels
Carrillo Gantner
Neill Gladwin
Stuart Greenbaum
Marilynne Hanigan
Tony Hawkins
Kate Herbert
Natasha Hill
John Howard
Worked with on The Incorruptible (1996 - Tour)
Mark Howett
Glenn Hughes
Sarah de Jong
Alan Knoepfler
David Koumans
Sanggar Lestari
Jo Litson
Mark Little
Stephen MacDonald
Todd MacDonald
Stuart McKenzie
Robert Menzies
Mark Minchinton
David Murray
Bruce Myles
Terry O'Brien
Michael O'Neill
Stephen Page
David Page
Genevieve Picot
Michele Preshaw
Robert Reid
David Roberts
Alexandra Sangster
Andrew Sharp
Joseph Spano
Rachel Szalay
Sioban Tuke
Darrin Verhagen
Alison Whyte
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