Actor, Director, Playwright, Designer
Actor 2001
Director 1994
Actor 1994
Director 1993
Actor 1993
Director 1992
Director 1991
Actor 1990
Director 1990
Designer, Director 1988
Actor 1988
Actor 1987
Director 1983
Actor 1983
Actor, Playwright 1982
Director 1982
Actor 1982
Director 1981
Actor 1980
Director 1980
Director 1979
Actor 1979
Director 1978
Actor 1978
Actor, Director 1978
Actor 1977
Robert Taylor
Worked with on Remember Ronald Ryan and 10 others
John Beckett
Worked with on Remember Ronald Ryan and 9 others
Robert Gebert
Worked with on The Father We Loved On a Beach By the Sea and 7 others
William Gluth
Worked with on The Duck Variations / Ball Boys and 7 others
Jill Smith
Worked with on Remember Ronald Ryan and 7 others
Stuart McKenzie
Worked with on Remember Ronald Ryan and 6 others
Ross Murray
Worked with on Big Toys and 6 others
Linda Aitken
Worked with on Remember Ronald Ryan and 5 others
Cliff Ellen
John Wood
Worked with on Comedians and 5 others
Carrillo Gantner
Worked with on Big Toys and 4 others
Ron Challinor
Worked with on Mary Lives! and 3 others
Roger Pulvers
Worked with on A Manual of Trench Warfare and 3 others
Wendy Robertson
Worked with on Australia Majestic and 3 others
Reg Evans
Worked with on The Impostor and 2 others
Anna French
Worked with on Peach Melba and 2 others
Sandra Matlock
Worked with on Sea Drift and 2 others
Monica Maughan
Worked with on Summer and 2 others
Judith McGrath
Worked with on Wings and 2 others
Deb Munn
Worked with on Remember Ronald Ryan and 2 others
Gerry Nixon
Worked with on I Sent a Letter to My Love and 2 others
Peter Oyston
Worked with on Benny Wallis Meets His Maker and 2 others
Frederick Parslow
Worked with on Mark Twain Down Under and 2 others
William Zappa
Worked with on Long Day's Journey into Night and 2 others
Ruth Aldridge
Worked with on The Father We Loved On a Beach By the Sea and 1 other
Suzanne Baron
Worked with on Wings and 1 other
Julia Blake
Worked with on The Crucible and 1 other
David Bonney
Worked with on Heroic Measures and 1 other
Robynne Bourne
Worked with on Remember Ronald Ryan and 1 other
Anton Chekhov
Worked with on Notes From an Old Man's Diary and 1 other
David Chesworth
Worked with on Disturbing the Dust and 1 other
Maria Cleary
Worked with on St Mark's Gospel and 1 other
Hugh Colman
Tom Considine
Peter Corrigan
Worked with on Modest Expectations and 1 other
Chris Crooks
Judith Crooks
Robin Cuming
Worked with on I Sent a Letter to My Love and 1 other
Lloyd Cunnington
Peter Curtin
Worked with on The Twilight Series and 1 other
Ron Edwards
Worked with on More Bullsh and 1 other
Gary Files
Worked with on Woodworm and 1 other
Sheila Florance
Worked with on The Impostor and 1 other
Caroline Gillmer
Gordon Graham
Worked with on Freaks and 1 other
David Gray
Worked with on Mary Lives! and 1 other
Stuart Greenbaum
Robert Harrison
Worked with on Comedians and 1 other
Tessie Hill
Worked with on The Duck Variations / Ball Boys and 1 other
Yvonne Hockey
Patricia Kennedy
Jackie Kerin
Armando Licul
Lorraine Milne
David Murray
Worked with on Peach Melba and 1 other
Geraldine Nixon
Roger Oakley
Colin Orchard
Ailsa Piper
Richard Prins
Worked with on Sea Drift and 1 other
Scott Ramsay
Bill Reed
Mary Sitarenos
Ross Skiffington
Joseph Spano
Howard Stanley
Worked with on A Manual of Trench Warfare and 1 other
Harry Tawse
Charles Bud Tingwell
Fred Wallace
Ross Williams
Keith Agius
Worked with on Heroic Measures
Cordula Albrecht
Bruce Alexander
David Allen
Worked with on Modest Expectations
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on The Twilight Series
Janet Andrewartha
Worked with on A Happy And Holy Occasion
John Arnold
Worked with on Australia Majestic
Melanie Beddie
Worked with on Remember Ronald Ryan
Pat Bishop
Worked with on Mary Lives!
John Black
Worked with on Sea Drift
Maggie Blinco
Worked with on Summer
Graeme Blundell
Edward Bond
Ken Boucher
Worked with on Long Day's Journey into Night
Neil Bourke
Worked with on Bertolt Brecht Leaves Los Angeles
Shane Bourne
Worked with on Comedians
Sue Bradley
Worked with on The Impostor
Don Bridges
Adam Briscomb
Worked with on The Father We Loved On a Beach By the Sea
Blair Broadhurst
Worked with on Peach Melba
John Brumpton
Christine Calcutt
Worked with on Wings
Margaret Cameron
David Cameron
Carl Carmichael
Rodney Charls
Worked with on A Manual of Trench Warfare
Kirsty Child
Worked with on Woodworm
Liddy Clark
Worked with on Freaks
Stephen Clark
Terence Clarke
Graham Clarke
Barry Collins
Worked with on Judgement
John Collins
Worked with on Benny Wallis Meets His Maker
Athol Compton
Worked with on Bullsh!
Rex Cramphorn
Anthony Crowley
Debbie Cumming
Stephen Cummins
Peter Cummins
Worked with on I Sent a Letter to My Love
Gene Van Dam
Eamon D'Arcy
Jon Davey
Simon Dennis
Luke Devenish
Worked with on Disturbing the Dust
Barry Dickins
Richard Divall
Laura Doheny
Gordon Dryland
Michael Duffield
Beverley Dunn
David Edgar
Worked with on The Duck Variations / Ball Boys
Luke Elliot
Paul English
Jenny Enilane
Robert Essex
Maryanne Fahey
Frances Farmer
Peter Felmingham
Worked with on Innocent Bystanders
Jack Finsterer
Karen Flaherty
Robert Forza
John Francis
Kim Gelvin-Melville
Brian Gibbons
Clem Gorman
Nigel Green
Trevor Griffiths
Carmelina di Guglielmo
Shaun Gurton
Kim Gyngell
Ron Haddrick
Robin Hall
Rodney Hall
Vivien Hamilton
Billie Hammerberg
Brian Hannan
Robert Hanson
Frank Hardy
George Harlem
Peter Harvey
Bill Hawtin
Edward Hepple
John Heywood
Roxane Hislop
Solrun Hoass
David Hobson
Mini Hogan
Nick Holland
Brian Holmes
Geoff Hooke
Kate Hosking
Christine Hutchins
Worked with on Mark Twain Down Under
Richard Jeziorny
Bartholomew John
Michael Leighton Jones
Lucas de Jong
Daniel Kane
Jackie Kelleher
Patsy King
Karl Kish
Arthur Kopit
Nadja Kostich
Peter Labza
Mary Lancaster
Laura Lattuada
Nicole Lecompte
Worked with on Notes From an Old Man's Diary
Tania Leong
Philip Lethlean
Nigel Levings
Valentina Levkowicz
Adele Lewin
Jamieson Lewis
Tom Lindstrom
Susanna Lobez
Peter Locke
Rachael Maza Long
Amanda Ma
Worked with on The Crucible
Richard Mackay-Sollay
Alan Maguire
David Mamet
Kirsten Mander
Sally Marsden
Sarah Masters
Ian Mawson
Lisa Maza
Neil McColl
Mandy McElhinney
Stephen McIntyre
James McKenna
David McSkimming
Stephen Measday
Clive Meddings
Rohan Meddings
Aubrey Mellor
Arthur Miller
Di Misirdjieff
Philip Mitchell
Joy Mitchell
Rajendra Moodley
Leigh Morgan
Robert Morgan
Caitlin Morris
Mike Morris
Helen Morse
Sean Myers
David Ngoombujarra
Gerda Nicolson
Julie Nihill
Worked with on Big Toys
Steve Nolan
Helen Noonan
Gayl Nutley
John O'Donoghue
Eugene O'Neill
Geoff Paine
Dina Panozzo
Wayne Pearn
Deborah Pelling
Beverley Phillips
Richard Piper
Merlyn Quaife
Thérèse Radic
Geoff Revell
David Roberts
John Romeril
Bernice Rubens
Deidre Rubenstein
Maryanne Sam
Justine Saunders
Ken Schroder
David Schultz
Stephen Sewell
Gerard Sont
Kathryn Sproul
Kristopher Steele
Greg Stone
Jennie Tate
Ariette Taylor
Rebe Taylor
Ross Thompson
David Tredinnick
Mervyn Trim
Tony Tripp
Karen Trott
Yasuhiko Uchida
Worked with on Yamashita (1977)
Lisa Waters
Fay Weldon
Felix Werder
Patrick White
Fred Whitlock
Huw Williams
John Bolton Wood
Angus Wood
Judith Woodroffe
Sha Yexin
Paul Young
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