Actor 2015
Actor 2014
Actor 2008
Actor 2003
Actor 1999
Actor 1994
Actor 1993
Actor 1989
Actor 1985
Jill Smith
Worked with on The Dogs Play and A Few Roos Loose in the Top Paddock and 4 others
John Beckett
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 2 others
David Franzke
Worked with on Night on Bald Mountain and 2 others
Robert Gebert
Worked with on Nice Girls and 2 others
Robert Morgan
Worked with on The Language of the Gods and 2 others
David Murray
Ross Murray
Worked with on King Lear (2003 - Tour) and 2 others
David Roberts
Worked with on On the North Diversion Road and 2 others
Linda Aitken
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour) and 1 other
Tony Bartuccio
Jane Bayly
Maggie Blinco
Worked with on A Spring Song and 1 other
Anna Broinowski
Rex Cramphorn
Matthew Crosby
Carrillo Gantner
Stuart Greenbaum
Robert Hay
Paul Jackson
Worked with on I Am a Miracle and 1 other
Armando Licul
Worked with on The Language of the Gods and 1 other
Matthew Lutton
Lech Mackiewicz
Wenanty Nosul
Louis Nowra
Mark Pegler
David Pledger
Ian Scott
William Shakespeare
Robert Taylor
Worked with on Nice Girls and 1 other
Darrin Verhagen
Naomi Adams
Worked with on Falling Petals
Claire Armour
Worked with on A Spring Song
Alice Babidge
Worked with on The Women of Troy
Roy Baldwin
David Bell
Worked with on The Dogs Play and A Few Roos Loose in the Top Paddock
Tanya Bennett
Kate Blenheim
Worked with on The Language of the Gods
Anna Borghesi
Robynne Bourne
Worked with on Nice Girls
Syd Brisbane
Worked with on Night on Bald Mountain
Rachel Burke
Worked with on On the North Diversion Road
Rupert Burns
Caitlin Byrne
Matt Cameron
Worked with on Chilling and Killing My Annabel Lee
Peter Carroll
Paul Charlier
Marco Cher-Gibard
Worked with on I Am a Miracle
Marco Chiappi
David Chisholm
Tia Clark
Liddy Clark
Damien Cooper
Patricia Cotter
Caroline Craig
Hana Crisp
Robin Cuming
Worked with on The Golden Age
Ross Daniels
Suzi Darvill
Sri Pudjiarti Dean
Arthur Dignam
Laura Doheny
Worked with on King Lear (2004 - Tour)
Ben Ellis
Amanda Fairbanks
Aidan Fennessy
Ben Fennessy
Dale Ferguson
Kate Fitzpatrick
Nicholas Flanagan
Julie Forsyth
Natalie Gamsu
David Gilfillan
Sunchana Gogic
Louise Gough
Ernie Gray
Declan Greene
Francis Greenslade
Shaun Gurton
Marilynne Hanigan
Ida Duelund Hansen
Tracy Harvey
Richard Healey
Tom Healey
Wayne Hope
Ros Horin
Marg Horwell
Peter Hosking
Christine Hutchins
Nick Ilton
Richard Jeziorny
Sue Jones
Sarah de Jong
Barrie Kosky
Anna Kosky
Darren Kowacki
Bert LaBonté
William Larkin
Sanggar Lestari
Philip Lethlean
Amelia Lever-Davidson
Jo Litson
Belinda Di Lorenzo
Todd MacDonald
Ray Mathew
Louise McCarthy
Stuart McKenzie
Aubrey Mellor
Jane Menelaus
Robert Menzies
Mark Minchinton
Luke Mullins
Jillian Murray
Melia Naughton
Robyn Nevin
Terry O'Brien
Tee O'Neill
Marie Orchard
Lisa Osborn
Nonon Padilla
Tony Perez
Nicole Plester
Lyndie Li Wan Po
Michele Preshaw
Lauren A. Proietti
Matthew Quartermaine
Paul Reichstein
Robert Reid
Jaime Robertson
Worked with on King Lear (2003 - Tour)
Jamie Robertson
Ben Rogan
Kyle Rowling
Leon Salom
Alexandra Sangster
David Schultz
Andrew Sharp
Nikki Shiels
Jeremy Silver
Jennie Tate
Tania Trusler
Giorgios Tsamoudakis
Paul Turner
Jennifer Vuletic
Katie Walker
Daryl Wallis
James Wardlaw
Patrick White
Alison Whyte
Linden Wilkinson
Suzette Williams
Mark Wilson
Benjamin Winspear
Anthony Wong
Tom Wright
Queenie van de Zandt
Daniel Zika
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