Translator, Director, Adaptor, Artistic Supervisor
Director, Adaptor 2009
Artistic Supervisor 2008
Translator, Director 2007
Director 2006
Director 1999
Director 1997
Director 1994
Director 1990
Director, Director 1988
Director 1987
Director 1986
Director 1981
Stephen Curtis
Worked with on It Just Stopped and 6 others
Cliff Ellen
Worked with on Picasso at the Lapin Agile and 3 others
Russell Goldsmith
Worked with on Exit the King (2009) and 3 others
Michael Gow
Worked with on Away (1990) and 3 others
Rebecca Massey
Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe and 3 others
Richard Vella
Sally Cooper
Worked with on Away (1990) and 2 others
Gillian Jones
Worked with on Exit the King (2007) and 2 others
Jillian Murray
Ross Murray
John Rodgers
Worked with on Exit the King (2009) and 2 others
Jill Smith
Robert Taylor
Ross Williams
John Wood
Worked with on It Just Stopped and 2 others
Simon Barley
Worked with on Away (1987 - Tour) and 1 other
Donna Broadbridge
Ron Challinor
Damien Cooper
Worked with on Exit the King (2009) and 1 other
Tyler Coppin
Worked with on Picasso at the Lapin Agile and 1 other
Dale Ferguson
Julie Forsyth
Worked with on Exit the King (2007) and 1 other
Wayne Freer
Worked with on Up the Road and 1 other
Paul Goddard
Marcus Graham
Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe and 1 other
Yvonne Hockey
Worked with on Away (1986) and 1 other
Mark Howett
Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999) and 1 other
Eugene Ionesco
Paul Jackson
Alison Kidd
Darren Kowacki
Evelyn Krape
Worked with on Away (1990) and 1 other
Helen Morse
Colin Orchard
Anne Phelan
Geoffrey Rush
Stephen Sewell
Worked with on It Just Stopped and 1 other
David Slingsby
Worked with on Hate (1988) and 1 other
Scott Tinkler
Linda Aitken
Worked with on Picasso at the Lapin Agile
Cordula Albrecht
Worked with on Away (1990)
Michael Allen
Lauren Ambrose
Worked with on Exit the King (2009)
Hugh Anderson
Worked with on Exit the King (2007)
David Atkins
Worked with on The Choir
Zoe Backes
Worked with on Cloudstreet (1999)
Rosemary Barr
Worked with on Away (1986)
Tanya Bennett
Worked with on Up the Road
Pat Bishop
Worked with on Hate (1988)
Paul Blackwell
Kate Blenheim
Jane Borghesi
Anna Borghesi
Shane Bourne
Rosie Boylan
Worked with on Away (1987 - Tour)
Errol Bray
Laura Brent
Worked with on Moliere's Tartuffe
Anna Brockway
Bille Brown
Nicholas Bufalo
Simon Burke
Bradley Byquar
Amanda Carr
Alan Cassell
Kate Champion
Gary Costello
Worked with on It Just Stopped
Robert Cousins
Lillian Crombie
Max Cullen
Eamon D'Arcy
Grant Davis
Rory Dempster
Ernie Dingo
Worked with on State of Shock
Leonie Dixon
Lee-Anne Donnelly
Sara Douglas
Matthew Emond
Shane Endsley
Nick Enright
Frances Farmer
Peter Farnan
Judi Farr
Russell Field
Louise Fox
David Franzke
Julie Frey
Anatoly Frusin
John Gaden
Jason Glass
Paul Grabowsky
Iain Grandage
Francis Greenslade
Kim Gyngell
Bo Haldane
Michael Hammond
John Harding
Scott Harrell
Margaret Harvey
Stephen Hawker
Jim Henry
Libby Higgin
Sally Hitchcock
Jim Holt
Peter Houghton
Sue Hunt
Brian Hutchison
Alan John
Patrick Jones
Claire Jones
Desmond Kelly
Geoff Kelso
Deborah Kennedy
Juliette Kingcott
Peter Kowitz
Tanya Leach
John Leary
Ted LeFevre
Matthew Lutton
Alan Maguire
Isabelle Mangeot
David Manis
Colin Mann
Steve Martin
Andrea Martin
Kylie Mascord
Catherine McClements
Sarah McCusker
Travis McMahon
Kris McQuade
Alex Menglet
Jean-Baptiste Moliere
Justin Monjo
Denis Moore
John Moore
Millie Mullinar
Lynette Narkle
Virginia Nugent
Barry Otto
Ezekiel Ox
Liz Pain
Anthea Parsons
Platon Paxinos
Richard Piper
Christopher Pitman
Adam Quinn
Peter Ripon
Steve Rodgers
Erika Rolfsrud
Luke Ryan
Cait Ryan
William Sadler
Susan Sarandon
Niko Schauble
Tess Schofield
Tony Sheldon
Mark Shelton
Adrian Sheriff
Neil Simpson
Jeremy Sims
Peter Smith
Francesca Smith
Kevin Smith
Joanna Staub
Tony Strachan
Gavin Tempany
Brian Thomson
Anna Tregloan
Karen Trott
Dan Walker
Alison Whyte
Tim Winton
Dan Witton
Irma Woods
David Woods
Jim Woolley
Daniel Wyllie
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