Lighting Designer
Lighting Designer 2019
Lighting Designer 2017
Lighting Designer 2013
Lighting Designer 2012
Lighting Designer 2010
Lighting Designer 2009
Lighting Designer 2008
Lighting Designer 2007
Lighting Designer 2006
Lighting Designer 2003
David Franzke
Worked with on Intimacy (2010) and 2 others
Maryanne Lynch
Worked with on One Night the Moon and 2 others
Anna Tregloan
Anna Cordingley
Worked with on One Night the Moon and 1 other
Adriano Cortese
Worked with on Intimacy (2010) and 1 other
Raimondo Cortese
Glenn Dulihanty
Worked with on Skeleton Tree and 1 other
Russell Dykstra
Worked with on Yibiyung and 1 other
Wesley Enoch
Tanith Harley
Michael Kantor
Worked with on Tense Dave and 1 other
Paul Lum
Patrick Moffatt
Shio Otani
Worked with on Piece for Person and Ghetto Blaster and 1 other
Frog Peck
Kelly Ryall
Franc Tetaz
Darrin Verhagen
Worked with on Kitten and 1 other
Naomi Adams
Worked with on Tense Dave
Jada Alberts
Worked with on Yibiyung
Carl Anderson
Worked with on Kitten
Rebecca Anderson
Brook Andrew
Worked with on One Night the Moon
Kristy Ayre
Jimi Bani
Cazerine Barry
Worked with on Inside 03: the Technology Project
Tony Bartuccio
Worked with on Not Like Beckett
Marlo Benjamin
Worked with on Skeleton Tree
Nancy Black
Claire Bourke
Simon Bowland
Christopher Brown
Peter Brundle
Beth Buchanan
Worked with on Intimacy (2010)
Sibylla Budd
Annie Byron
Margaret Cameron
Brian Carbee
Kevin Carmody
David Chisholm
Ben Cobham
Angela Cole
Chris Connelly
Darryl Cordell
Martyn Coutts
Worked with on Piece for Person and Ghetto Blaster
Liza Dennis
Meg Deyell
Anouk Van Dijk
Worked with on 247 Days
Gerard Van Dyck
Hans Van Dyck
Don Eikhoff
Mila Faranov
Eamon Flack
Worked with on The Wild Duck
Robin Fox
Steve Francis
Jodie Fried
John Gaden
Russell Goldsmith
Louise Gough
Benjamin Graetz
Stefan Gregory
Lucy Guerin
Nicola Gunn
Alison Halit
Michael Hankin
Mairead Hannan
Deirdre Hannan
Blair Hart
Adrian Hauser
Jonathan Haynes
Michelle Heaven
Jennifer Hector
Anita Hegh
Leif Helland
Ben Hendry
Natasha Herbert
Helen Herbertson
Gwendolyna Holmberg-Gilchrist
Thomas Howie
Henrik Ibsen
Dave Jones
Paul Kelly
Jenny Kemp
Kate Kendall
Darren Kowacki
Stephanie Lake
Lauren Langlois
Nicola Leahey
Teegan Lee
Ewen Leslie
Paula Levis
Keri Light
Andrew Livingston
Jo Lloyd
Brian Lucas
Matthew Lutton
Alya Manzart
Ray Marks
Roxanne McDonald
Bruce McKinven
David Membery
Eloise Mignon
Margaret Mills
Amy Morcom
Kyle Morrison
Richard Murphet
Ralph Myers
Jacob Nash
Gideon Obarzanek
Natalie O'Donnell
James O'Hara
Lisa Osborn
Kirk Page
David Page
Ryan Paine
Danny Pettingill
James Pham
Anthony Phelan
Caitlin Porter
Melodie Reynolds
John Romeril
Nick Roux
Christopher Ryan
Anne-Louise Sarks
Toby Schmitz
Tess Schofield
Byron Scullin
Niharika Senapati
Mark Seymour
Delia Silvan
Luke Smiles
Francesca Smith
Tara Soh
Rachael Spiers
Alistair Stobo
Simon Stone
Miranda Tapsell
Nick Tsiavos
Clare Watson
Michael Watts
Willoh S. Weiland
Marcel Wierckx
Dallas Winmar
Roma Winmar
Tom Wright
Ursula Yovich
Rens van der Zalm
Kevin de Zilva
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