Paula de Burgh


Shows worked on

Paula de Burgh has worked with...

Murray Copland

Murray Copland

Worked with on Dirty Linen

Robin Cuming

Robin Cuming

Worked with on Dirty Linen

Henry Cuthbertson

Worked with on Dirty Linen

Michael Freundt

Worked with on Dirty Linen

Frank Gallacher

Frank Gallacher

Worked with on Dirty Linen

Carrillo Gantner

Carrillo Gantner

Worked with on Dirty Linen

Robert Gebert

Worked with on Dirty Linen

Amanda Muggleton

Worked with on Dirty Linen

Sean Myers

Worked with on Dirty Linen

John Pratt

Worked with on Dirty Linen

Tom Stoppard

Worked with on Dirty Linen

James Taylor

Worked with on Dirty Linen

Charles Bud Tingwell

Worked with on Dirty Linen

Steve Young

Worked with on Dirty Linen