Actor 1980
Actor 1979
Robert Bell
Worked with on Piaf and 1 other
Murray Copland
Carrillo Gantner
Yvonne Hockey
John Beckett
Worked with on Outside Edge
Julia Blake
Shane Bourne
Worked with on Medea
Kirsty Child
John Clayton
Worked with on Piaf
Warwick Comber
Murray Crawford
Michael Creaney
Peta Doran
Gary Files
Robert Forza
Frank Gallacher
Pam Gems
Robert Ginn
Brian Hannan
Richard Harris
Larry Held
Brian Holmes
Jeannie Lewis
Sandra Matlock
Judith McGrath
Kerry McGuire
Joan Millar
Mirka Mora
Sue Nattrass
Johnny Quinn
Lazar Rodic
Leigh Rowles
Jennie Tate
Michael Tyack
Tanya Uren
Philip Vellacott
Fred Wallace
Nick Waters
John Wood
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