Actor, Director
Director 1998
Director 1991
Director 1989
Director 1981
Actor 1978
Jill Smith
Worked with on Speaking in Tongues and 3 others
Robert Taylor
Worked with on Early Days Under the Old Hat and 2 others
Robynne Bourne
Worked with on Early Days Under the Old Hat and 1 other
Robert Gebert
Worked with on Nice Girls and 1 other
Richard Jeziorny
Robert Meldrum
Worked with on Speaking in Tongues and 1 other
Linda Aitken
Worked with on Early Days Under the Old Hat
Graeme Blundell
Worked with on A Bit of Rough
Heather Bolton
Worked with on Speaking in Tongues
Andrew Bovell
Michael Campbell
Liddy Clark
Worked with on Nice Girls
Doreen Clarke
Worked with on Bleedin' Butterflies
Maree D'Arcy
Karen Flaherty
Gilly Fraser
Ernie Gray
Stuart Greenbaum
Richard Healey
Peter Hosking
Christine Hutchins
Sarah de Jong
Melita Jurisic
David Kendall
Pamela Leversha
Nigel Levings
Cathrine Lynch
Sarah Masters
Sandra Matlock
Monica Maughan
Nicola McIntosh
Jane Menelaus
Margaret Mills
Mark Minchinton
Jillian Murray
Sarah O'Donnell
Merfyn Owen
Liz Pain
David Schultz
Helen Simondson
David Swann
Sioban Tuke
Tracy Watt
Liane Wilcher
Linden Wilkinson
Ross Williams
William Zappa
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