Stage Manager, Production Coordinator, Assistant Stage Manager
Stage Manager 2021
Stage Manager 2020
Production Coordinator 2020
Stage Manager 2018
Stage Manager 2017
Stage Manager 2016
Stage Manager 2015
Stage Manager 2014
Stage Manager 2013
Assistant Stage Manager 2013
Stage Manager 2012
Paul Jackson
Worked with on Picnic at Hanging Rock (2018) and 10 others
Matthew Lutton
Worked with on Because the Night and 8 others
Marg Horwell
Worked with on Because the Night and 5 others
Lyndie Li Wan Po
Worked with on Because the Night and 4 others
Belinda McClory
Worked with on Because the Night and 3 others
Bridget Balodis
Worked with on Because the Night and 2 others
Dale Ferguson
David Franzke
Mark Pritchard
Sophie Ross
Worked with on The Lockdown Monologues and 2 others
Matilda Woodroofe
Jethro Woodward
Worked with on The Real and Imagined History of the Elephant Man and 2 others
Tom Wright
Worked with on Picnic at Hanging Rock (2018) and 2 others
Paul Ashcroft
Worked with on Edward II and 1 other
Zoe Atkinson
Worked with on Picnic at Hanging Rock (2018) and 1 other
Kamarra Bell-Wykes
Worked with on Because the Night and 1 other
Annie Bourke
Ra Chapman
Marco Chiappi
David Chisholm
Worked with on I Am a Miracle and 1 other
Russell Goldsmith
Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2014) and 1 other
Harriet Gordon-Anderson
Arielle Gray
Ash Gibson Greig
Emma Hawkins
Worked with on The Lockdown Monologues and 1 other
Suzanne Heywood
Tom Holloway
Lara Kerestes
Worked with on The Real and Imagined History of the Elephant Man and 1 other
Bert LaBonté
Shian Law
Worked with on In the Bleak Midwinter and 1 other
Amelia Lever-Davidson
Joan Lindsay
Amber McMahon
David Miller
Elizabeth Nabben
Tiriki Onus
Worked with on Walking into the Bigness and 1 other
Marion Potts
Worked with on Ugly Mugs and 1 other
Kelly Ryall
Daniel Schlusser
Nikki Shiels
Eugyeene Teh
Worked with on Approximate Translation and 1 other
Darrin Verhagen
Rodney Afif
Worked with on Because the Night
Tammy Anderson
Worked with on Walking into the Bigness
Paula Arundell
Worked with on The Real and Imagined History of the Elephant Man
Van Badham
Worked with on The Bloody Chamber
Carlos Enrique Barcenas
Worked with on In the Beginning Was the Word
Jacob Battista
Worked with on Edward II
Fayssal Bazzi
Worked with on Timeshare
Casey Bennetto
Alice Birch
Worked with on Revolt. She Said. Revolt Again.
Lucy Birkinshaw
Worked with on Ugly Mugs
Wayne Blair
Ben Booker
Worked with on A Singular Phenomenon
Harry Borland
Peta Brady
Kate Brennan
Syd Brisbane
James Brown
Hannah Bullen
Rachel Burke
Oliver Butler
Deanne Butterworth
Worked with on In the Bleak Midwinter
Johnny Carr
Angela Carter
Angus Cerini
Katherine Chan
Deborah Cheetham
Worked with on Redfern
Emily Miaoqi Chen
Worked with on Approximate Translation
Marco Cher-Gibard
Worked with on I Am a Miracle
Emily Collett
Worked with on Hello, World!
Matthew Connell
Worked with on Hello, Goodbye and Happy Birthday (2014)
Travis Cook
Worked with on Hard Rubbish
Anna Cordingley
Raimondo Cortese
Hana Crisp
Alison Croggon
Reuben Cumming
Natalie Cursio
Jim Daly
Maude Davey
Worked with on The Lockdown Monologues
Jacinta Dennett
John Marc Desengano
Joe Dolce
Marg Downey
Elizabeth Dunn
Angelo Duot
Worked with on A Social Service
Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Worked with on Dance of Death (2013)
Bianca Eden
Luisa Hastings Edge
Elizabeth Esguerra
Tahlee Fereday
Casey Filips
Gemma Fletcher
Worked with on The Listies Ruin Christmas
Hamish Fletcher
Julie Forsyth
Jess Fotinos
Richard Frankland
Ellie Frith
Brigid Gallacher
Katrina Gaskell
Ben Geurens
Worked with on Hate (2013)
Richard Gill
Carissa Godwin
Jake Goldenfien
Stephen Grant
Lyndall Grant
Declan Greene
Kate Gregory
Rose Weirou Gui
Nicola Gunn
Andy Hamblin
Michael Hankin
Jane Harrison
Christina Hayes
Linn van Hecke
Rarriwuy Hick
Matthew Hickey
Richard Higgins
Ming-Zhu Hii
Cheryl Ho
Felix Ching Ching Ho
Gwendolyna Holmberg-Gilchrist
Ingrid Homburg
Angus Ingram
Artemis Ioannides
Khisraw Jones-Shukoor
Robert Jordan
Keegan Joyce
Shaan Juma
Melita Jurisic
Lally Katz
Jess Keeffe
Matthew Kelly
Don King
Jeremy Kleeman
Sophia Siu King Ko
Jacek Koman
Evelyn Krape
Toni Lalich
Kenzie Larsen
Annie Last
Shelly Lauman
HaiHa Le
Rachel Lee
Brooke Lee
Peter Dat Wing Lee
Jared Lewis
Qibin Liang
Glenda Linscott
Caitlyn Livingston
Jo Lloyd
Derek Sheung Bun Lo
Christopher Marlowe
Steve Le Marquand
Lisa Maza
Phillip McInnes
Baird McKenna
Emma McManus
Chris Mead
Tristan Meecham
Cameron Menzies
Dana Miltins
Daniel Monks
Ian Moorhead
Dayna Morrissey
Yinuo Mu
Ross Mueller
Worked with on I Can't Even...
Rhys Muldoon
Janice Muller
Isobel Mure
Nicole Nabout
Tayla Nichols
Natasha Noel
Roslyn Oades
Roger Oakley
Lucy O'Brien
Abira De Oliveria
Katina Olsen
Aaron Orzech
Anna Orzech
Shuoyou Pan
David Ross Paterson
James Paul
Worked with on Hello, Beautiful!
Lucy Pereira
Diana Perini
Ian Pidd
Kurt Pimblett
Grant Piro
Corey Pugh
Pamela Rabe
Worked with on The Testament of Mary
Cecily Rabey
Hannie Rayson
Gareth Reeves
Bec Reid
Tamara Rewse
Timothy Reynolds
Sam Routledge
Nick Roux
Catherine Ryan
Bernard Sam
Anne-Louise Sarks
Mary Helen Sassman
Mark Saul
Eugene Schlusser
Bob Scott
Ursula Searle
Stephen Sewell
Katie Sfetkidis
Marty Shlansky
Louise Siversen
Natesha Somasundaram
Jamie Sormann
Claire Springett
Worked with on Picnic At Hanging Rock (2016)
Medina Sumovic
Margot Tanjutco
Yana Taylor
Maria Theodorakis
Lara Thoms
Colm Tóibín
Jean Tong
Steve Toulmin
Harry Tseng
Emma Valente
Jennifer Vuletic
Cointha Walkeden
Malia Walsh
Yuchen Wang
Tom Webster
Anthony Weigh
Monica Weightman
Ras-Samuel Welda'abzgi
Christopher Wenn
Sara West
Molly Whelan
Alison Whyte
Mark Wilson
Meg Wilson
Sara Wiseman
David Woods
Elisabeth Wot
Helen Chin Yuan Wu
Marline Zaibak
William Zappa
Yaoxin Zhao
Harvey Zielinski
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