Director, Dramaturg, Actor
Director 2008
Director 2007
Director 2005
Director 2003
Director 2001
Dramaturg 2001
Actor 2001
Director, Actor 2000
Director 2000
David Franzke
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour) and 9 others
Anna Borghesi
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour) and 3 others
Louise Gough
Worked with on Falling Petals and 3 others
James Brennan
Worked with on Ancient Enmity and 2 others
Benjamin Cowen
Peter Houghton
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour) and 2 others
Valentina Levkowicz
Brian Lipson
Margaret Mills
Worked with on The Spook (2007) and 2 others
Christina Smith
Daniel Zika
Worked with on Falling Petals and 2 others
Greg Clarke
Worked with on Violet Inc and 1 other
Peta Coy
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour) and 1 other
Grant Dale
Worked with on The Fat Boy and 1 other
Richard Dinnen
Amanda Fairbanks
Worked with on Falling Petals and 1 other
Sunchana Gogic
Kevin Harrington
Paul Jackson
Sue Jones
Miria Kostiuk
Worked with on Ancient Enmity and 1 other
Philip Lethlean
Natasha Marich
Worked with on Seven Days of Silence and 1 other
Mandy McElhinney
Denis Moore
Melia Naughton
Tony Nikolakopoulos
Sarah Norris
Ken Radley
Suraya Rasid
Melissa Reeves
Luke Ryan
Leon Salom
James Saunders
James Wardlaw
Naomi Adams
Worked with on Falling Petals
Tony Ayres
Worked with on The Fat Boy
Samantha Baker
Worked with on The Sign of the Seahorse
Graeme Base
Melanie Beddie
Worked with on Violet Inc
Alison Bell
Worked with on The Spook (2007)
Tanya Bennett
Carolyn Bock
Syd Brisbane
Worked with on The Prodigal Son / Insouciance
Graeme Brown
Rachel Burke
Worked with on Seven Days of Silence
Margaret Cameron
Worked with on Svetlana in Slingbacks (2001)
Jarrod Carland
Angus Cerini
Wayne Chapple
Caroline Craig
Barry Dickins
Ben Ellis
Kate Fitzpatrick
D. J. Foster
Jodi Gallagher
Worked with on Elegy
Tanith Harley
Worked with on The Spook (2008 - Tour)
David Hayhow
Worked with on Ancient Enmity
Ben Hendry
Worked with on Drink Pepsi, Bitch!
Jack Hibberd
Nicci Hope
Scott Irwin
Odette Joannidis
Melita Jurisic
Russell Kiefel
Darren Kowacki
Pamela Leversha
Jamieson Lewis
Joseph Manning
Kirsten Marr
Tammy McCarthy
Andrea McEwan
Dustin McLean
Alex Menglet
Shaun Micallef
Tiffany Noack
Guy Noble
Dale Pengelly
Eddie Perfect
Genevieve Picot
Nicole Plester
Paul Reichstein
Claire Reid
Tim Richards
Vincenzo Roberto
Matthew Robinson
Anne-Louise Sarks
Daniel Schlusser
James Shuter
Lauren Taylor
Maria Theodorakis
Rachael Tidd
Fiona Todd
Kaye Tuckerman
Blair Venn
Darrin Verhagen
Bonnie Walsh
Lexie Wood
Tom Wright
Kevin de Zilva
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