Musical Director, Composer, Actor
Musical Director, Composer, Actor 1998
Musical Director 1995
Composer 1995
Composer 1992
Musical Director 1990
Composer, Musical Director 1990
Musical Director 1989
Jill Smith
Worked with on The Head of Mary and 5 others
Robert Taylor
Stuart McKenzie
Worked with on The Head of Mary and 3 others
Ross Murray
Worked with on The Emperor Regrets and 3 others
Richard Jeziorny
Worked with on Esterhaz and 1 other
Armando Licul
Worked with on Natural Life and 1 other
Robert Meldrum
Deb Munn
Worked with on The Passion and its Deep Connection with Lemon Delicious Pudding and 1 other
Miki Oikawa
Worked with on The Head of Mary and 1 other
David Roberts
Ian Scott
Greg Stone
Linda Aitken
Worked with on The Emperor Regrets
Michael Anderson
Alan Andrews
Worked with on Only Heaven Knows
John Beckett
Worked with on The Head of Mary
John Bode
Worked with on Natural Life
Humphrey Bower
Helen Buday
Anne Byron
Worked with on The Passion and its Deep Connection with Lemon Delicious Pudding
Tanaka Chikao
Sophie Clausen
Worked with on Esterhaz
Dan Cowles
Matthew Crosby
Joanne Curry
R. C. Daly
Jim Daly
Eric Donnison
Steve Douglas-Craig
Robert Draffin
Worked with on The Forty Lounge Cafe
Ken Dray
Kerry Dwyer
Matthew Dyktynski
Ron Elazary
Ron Elisha
George Fairfax
Louise Fox
Kurt Geyer
Petru Gheorghiu
Caroline Gillmer
William Gluth
Carmelina di Guglielmo
Alex Harding
Peter Hosking
Christine Hutchins
Nick Ilton
Sue Ingleton
Amanda Johnson
Michael Kantor
Evdokia Katahanas
Victoria Knight
Tomek Koman
Barrie Kosky
Rosie Lalevich
Robert Lehrer
Balang T. E. Lewis
Tes Lyssiotis
Sally Marsden
Aubrey Mellor
Alex Menglet
Robert Morgan
Nicol Morrow
David Murray
Caitlin Newton-Broad
Liz Pain
Michael Pope
Michele Preshaw
Thérèse Radic
Robin Ramsay
Sancia Robinson
Ben Rogan
Meredith Rogers
John Romeril
Deidre Rubenstein
David Schultz
Mary Sitarenos
Efterpi Soropos
Jennie Tate
Lea Trowbridge
Jo Turner
Elly Varrenti
James Verdon
Louise Watson
Anthony Wong
Michael Wren
Thomas Wright
Tom Wright
Ursula Yovich
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