Actor, Director, Designer, Composer
Director, Designer, Actor 2001
Actor 1995
Actor 1994
Director 1992
Actor 1990
Director 1983
Director 1981
Director 1980
Actor 1980
Composer, Actor 1980
Actor 1979
Actor 1978
Actor 1977
Robert Gebert
Worked with on Interrogation of Angel and 7 others
Malcolm Robertson
Worked with on The Duck Variations / Ball Boys and 7 others
John Beckett
Worked with on Sanctuary (1995-1996 - Tour) and 4 others
Roger Pulvers
Worked with on Buried Child and 4 others
Wendy Robertson
Worked with on Australia Majestic and 4 others
Robin Cuming
Worked with on Interrogation of Angel and 3 others
Barry Dickins
Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas and 3 others
Sandra Matlock
Robert Taylor
Worked with on The Glass Mermaid and 3 others
Linda Aitken
Worked with on Sanctuary (1995-1996 - Tour) and 2 others
Roy Baldwin
Worked with on Graeme King Lear and 2 others
Stuart McKenzie
Worked with on The Glass Mermaid and 2 others
Jill Smith
John Arnold
Worked with on Buried Child and 1 other
Suzanne Baron
Worked with on The Propitious Kidnapping of the Cultured Daughter and 1 other
Julia Blake
Worked with on The Crucible and 1 other
Chris Crooks
Judith Crooks
Lloyd Cunnington
Jon Davey
Worked with on Sanctuary (1995-1996 - Tour) and 1 other
Reg Evans
Carrillo Gantner
Cheryl Heazlewood
Worked with on Interrogation of Angel and 1 other
Tessie Hill
Worked with on The Duck Variations / Ball Boys and 1 other
Richard Jeziorny
Worked with on Esterhaz and 1 other
Jackie Kerin
Judith McGrath
Aubrey Mellor
Ross Murray
Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas and 1 other
Gerry Nixon
Peter Oyston
Gary Samolin
Ross Skiffington
Howard Stanley
Worked with on A Manual of Trench Warfare and 1 other
Harry Tawse
John Wood
William Zappa
Worked with on Bertolt Brecht Leaves Los Angeles and 1 other
Lachlan A'vard
Worked with on Sanctuary (1995-1996 - Tour)
Faye Bendrups
Worked with on A Dickins' Christmas
Neil Bourke
Worked with on Bertolt Brecht Leaves Los Angeles
Blair Broadhurst
Rachel Burke
Worked with on The Glass Mermaid
George Butrumlis
Michael Carman
Rodney Charls
Worked with on A Manual of Trench Warfare
Anton Chekhov
Worked with on The Cherry Orchard
David Chesworth
Worked with on Sabat Jesus
Sophie Clausen
Worked with on Esterhaz
Geoffrey Clendon
Worked with on Buried Child
Nikki Coghill
Barry Collins
Worked with on Judgement
Peter Corrigan
Michael Coyne
Worked with on Second Spring
Jim Daly
Gene Van Dam
Worked with on Australia Majestic
Gail Davidson
Lindy Davies
Barbara Dennis
Worked with on The Next Greatest Pleasure
Ian Dixon
Eric Donnison
Terry Donovan
Cathy Downes
David Edgar
Worked with on The Duck Variations / Ball Boys
Barry Eggington
Worked with on The Propitious Kidnapping of the Cultured Daughter
Ron Elisha
Cliff Ellen
Jacqui Everitt
George Fairfax
Maurie Fields
Sheila Florance
Worked with on The Crucible
Michele Forbes
Nigel Frayne
Keith Gallasch
Alice Garner
Trevlyn Gilmour
Worked with on Graeme King Lear
Neill Gladwin
Clem Gorman
Stuart Greenbaum
Carmelina di Guglielmo
Shaun Gurton
Kim Gyngell
Billie Hammerberg
Worked with on The Golden Goldenbergs
Robert Hanson
Robert Harrison
Drusilla Hendry
Solrun Hoass
Yvonne Hockey
Nick Holland
Brian Holmes
Peter Hosking
Jackie Kelleher
David Kendall
Bruce Kerr
Gary Kliger
Tyrone Landau
Tobsha Learner
John J.F. Lee
Philip Lethlean
Armando Licul
Amanda Ma
David Mamet
Kirsten Mander
Dino Marnika
Sally Marsden
Julie McDonald
John McDowall
Robert Meldrum
Robert Menzies
Arthur Miller
Robert Morgan
Deb Munn
Jillian Murray
David Murray
Sean Myers
Mikkel Mynster
Hartley Newnham
Steve Nolan
Emma O'Brien
Colin Orchard
Marie Orchard
Frederick Parslow
Dan Persse
Chris Peters
Graham Pitts
Michele Preshaw
Brian Reynolds
Nicholas Robson
Ivan Smith Romero
Don Scott
Michael Secker
Sam Shepard
Mary Sitarenos
Chung-wai Soong
Katherine Spence
Michele Stayner
Warwick Stengards
Ariette Taylor
Helen Thomson
Mervyn Trim
Yasuhiko Uchida
Worked with on Yamashita (1977)
Tanya Uren
Elly Varrenti
Lisa Waters
Tracy Watt
Felix Werder
Daryl Wilkinson
David Williamson
Felix Williamson
Wayne Woods
Gareth Yuen
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