Production still for "Madame Mao". L-R: Alan Clarke, Judy Clarke (both front). Photographer: Ponch Hawkes
Madame Mao
20 June 1986 – 19 July 1986 Studio Theatre
Playbox Theatre Company, Circus Oz,
New Writing Theatre Circus
A play about female power, the nature of theatre, of women, and of revolution. Its subject is Jiang Qing, widow of Mao Zedong.
From the original copy:
"Its subject is Jiang Qing, widow of Mao Zedong. She unleashed the horrors of the Cultural Revolution, using theatre as her major propaganda tool. After Mao's death in 1976 she made a bid to become ruler of a quarter of the world's population. Regarded as a madwoman with a monstrous, vengeful eye, she is still seen as the source of China's modern ills. But is she what she was said to be? This play puts another case."
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Assistant to the Director
Lighting Designer

Assistant Stage Manager
Production Manager
Stage Manager

General Manager