Production still for "Myth, Propaganda and Disaster in Nazi Germany and Contemporary America". L-R: Greg Stone as The Man, Nicholas Eadie as Talbot. Photographer: Jeff Busby
Myth, Propaganda and Disaster in Nazi Germany and Contemporary America
30 May 2003 – 21 June 2003 Merlyn Theatre
Playbox Theatre Company, State Theatre Company of South Australia,
New Writing Theatre Co-Production
With compelling drive and theatrical daring, we are swept from cocktails at the Guggenheim to the hungry vacuum of Ground Zero. Stephen Sewell demands answers to some of the most urgent questions of our times. Where is the line between patriotism and nationalism? What happens when the 'Land of Free' states; 'You're either with us or against us'?...
Written with searing passion and dazzling momentum...this play reverberates with the aftershocks of September 11, its impact compounded by the recent war on Iraq.
This production toured to The Playhouse in Adelaide as part of the State Theatre Company of South Australia's 2003 season (27 June - 12 July).



Lighting Designer
Assistant Director
Assistant Director

Sound Designer

Sound Operator/Engineer
Costume Assistant

Stage Manager
Costume Co-ordinator
Assistant Stage Manager