Production still for "The Chronicle of Macbeth". Ellen Lauren as Lady Macbeth. Photographer: Reimund Zunde
The Chronicle of Macbeth
12 March 1992 – 04 April 1992 Merlyn Theatre
Adapted from William Shakespeare's Macbeth
Playbox Theatre Company, Tadashi Suzuki,
New Adaptation Theatre Tour
As a chronicle, the story of Macbeth has been taken by Suzuki and applied to a state of mind condition that is sorely afflicting the world today, the result of excessive desire and the need for people to take more responsibility for the results of their actions.
This production premiered at the Adelaide Festival (28 February - 6 March) before returning to Melbourne for a season at the Merlyn. It then toured to the Alexander Theatre (7-11 April), Geelong Performing Arts Centre (14 April), Hobart's Theatre Royal (18-25 April), and then Tokyo for the Mitsui Festival (21-23 May).


Costume Designer, Director, Lighting Designer, Adaptor

Set Designer
Assistant Director
Scenic Artist
Stage Manager
Production Manager