Production still for "The Fat Boy". L-R: Kate Fitzpatrick as Hope, Tim Richards as Trevor. Photographer: Jeff Busby
The Fat Boy
By Tony Ayres
04 April 2003 – 26 April 2003 Merlyn Theatre
Playbox Theatre Company, Melbourne International Comedy Festival,
New Writing Theatre Co-Production
Trevor is everything you’re not supposed to be - he’s fat, he’s gay, he’s effeminate, and he’s looking for love. But everything that Trevor touches turns to shit. Every life he comes into contact with goes ballistically wrong. It starts with him baby sitting. The baby dies. He then befriends two young lovers, Megan and James, who split up when Trevor inadvertently “outs” James. Even Trevor’s clairvoyant mother, Hope, is not immune to the curse of the Fat Boy. Will Trevor ever find love? Will anyone else survive? A cross between Oedipus Rex and The Benny Hill Show, The Fat Boy is a domestic horror story about love, fate and poo foo valves.
The Fat Boy is a rather odd play, but then it is intended to be just that. Its subject is the outsider, and in the hapless Trevor - fat, gay, lonely and working class - Ayres has summed up everything that constitutes a loser in today's beauty and charm-obsessed society.

Lighting Designer

Sound Designer


Assistant Director

Stage Manager
Costume Assistant
Assistant Stage Manager
Costume Co-ordinator