This is Beautiful

By Ming-Zhu Hii

19 July 2013 – 03 August 2013 Tower Theatre

Malthouse Theatre, The Public Studio,

Theatre Live Art Collaboration Independent

Follows a dinner conversation of three actors and their self-perception, including their opinions on their bodies, face, identities and what they wish they were. Accompanying their conversation, a cinematic animation of their responses is projected onto a screen behind them.


Jing-Xuan Chan

Jing-Xuan Chan


Pier Carthew

Pier Carthew

Cinematographer, Performer

Terry Yeboah

Terry Yeboah



Russell Goldsmith

Russell Goldsmith

Sound Designer

Ming-Zhu Hii

Ming-Zhu Hii

Set Designer, Director, Creative Director, Cinematographer

Nicholas Coghlan

Assistant Director, Cinematographer

Melanie Liertz

Set Designer, Costume Designer

Glyn Roberts


Damien McLean

Lighting Designer


The Public Studio & Malthouse Theatre production presented as part of HELIUM Program.

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